Yes, I have started a blog to go along with my photos. I held off for a while out of truthfully, a dislike for blogging. But I have recently been delving back into my photos, spending more time with a camera and investing more into photography, that a blog is kind of needed now. Instagram captions and Facebook posts are not the platforms I think are best to use to expand my thoughts from shoots and everyday captures, not right now at least.
I hope to post about a shoot, or an experience through a photo, at least once a week. There could be some intense stuff related to birth or breastfeeding in a post, one of the reasons social media is not ideal for storing such posts. Birth and breastfeeding are my favorite things to photograph and probably write about, because they are so important to me. Speaking of me, I figured this first post would be a good introduction post, so here goes.
I have two young children. Nadia, who was born December, 2016 and Leonel, who was born just last April (2019). Motherhood is beyond what I could have imagined, in all of the ways. I always wanted to have kids, and I of course imagined all of the good things that come along with children, some of the hard things too. But now that I have these babies, my imagination is blown away. My love for these people is indescribable, and my frustration with them at times comes pretty close.

We live in Logandale, Nevada. Which is an hour out of Vegas, heading toward Utah. I like living here, in a more rural, less busy area, surrounded by trails and mesas. Yet, we are still close enough to Vegas, Mesquite and St. George, that we can still utilize the conveniences of cities. We have a dog, a hand full of chickens, and seven goats.
My kids inspire me to take more photos, which has gotten me out of a lull I went through. I used to take photos everywhere and all of the time in high school. I had a 35mm film camera and I used it everywhere. I bought a DSLR, a Nikon D90, when I was 18 and started using that everywhere. With friends, at local shows, on trips… Sometimes someone would give me some money to take some photos of their family or kids, I liked that. So my brother and I started shooting together at weddings and parties. That was a really good time, I loved shooting with my brother. Then, that camera was stolen and I wasn’t able to replace it at the time, so I kind of just focused on other things. Sometimes, I would borrow my brother’s camera in a pinch for personal reasons. One being, to attend and photograph a birth for my close friend, which is what got me into birth photography.
Now, I shoot weddings, families, births, mamababy dyad, children… even funerals and babies born sleeping, sometimes. I do these all because I think they are beautiful and important parts of life. I could not pick one specific topic to capture, not right now. Really I do not see that happening anytime soon, because I love them all. I hope to share them all with you, through my point of view. So, if you are here, thank you. I am getting excited to share my photos and their stories with you, and hopefully they reach someone who needs or wants to hear them. Hopefully they apply to someone and help them to see things another way, or encourage them, or whatever they need. Enjoy.